Original title : Wie Staaten mit Bestechung Politik machen Source : TagesSchau by Silvia Stöber The scandal in the European...
brot-fuer-die-welt.deArticleMaren Leifker There may soon be no independent civil society work left in Azerbaijan. The government has virtually cut off...
Deutsche Welle (DW)Article Cristina Burack Ex-Council-of-Europe-head-under-fire-for-corruption-–-DW-–-04262018Download
Tagesspiegel Article Claudia von Salzen The Council of Europe and Azerbaijan:Farewell to "Caviar Diplomacy"? In the Council of Europe, deputies...
ZEIT Azerbaijan's government is funding a professor at Berlin's Humboldt University to promote the country. Is the university doing PR...
Tagesspiegel Azerbaijan:Caviar DiplomacyHow the ruling clan in Baku maintains power - without caring about admonitions from Europe. Berlin - Protests...