Calcalist, Oct 2023 In an article, titled ""A good customer who pays on time": Israel sells missiles and drones to...
Lors de la finale du CONCOURS DE PLAIDOIRIES DES AVOCATS 2023 au MÉMORIAL DE CAEN Maître Naïra Zoroyan a captivé...
by Emily Schrader A prominent journalist, Emily Schrader, recently testified on azéri lobbying, not to say corruption ... here is...
BBC by Steve Swann and Dominic Casciani A new investigation demonstrates that Javad Marandi corrupted hugely the Tory ! A...
BBC news by Steve Swann and Dominic Casciani The National Crime Agency can seize £5.6m from a sophisticated global money...
92 Flights From Israeli Base Reveal Arms Exports to Azerbaijan Haaretz by Avi Scharf and Oded Yaron Haaretz investigation reveals...
The Azerbaijani government’s “Eco-activists” agent who blockaded the only road of life connecting Artsakh to Armenia and the outside world....
Tomasz Poręba called for closer ties between Poland, Europe and Azerbaijan in an interview entitled 'Poland needs gas' He also...
France Inter Réfugié en France où il publie des vidéos critiques envers le régime azerbaïdjanais, Mahammad Mirzali a fait l’objet...
A distinguished Australian scientist says he was duped into doing Azerbaijan propaganda, in a PR fiasco that sheds light on...