Calcalist, Oct 2023 In an article, titled ""A good customer who pays on time": Israel sells missiles and drones to...
Lors de la finale du CONCOURS DE PLAIDOIRIES DES AVOCATS 2023 au MÉMORIAL DE CAEN Maître Naïra Zoroyan a captivé...
92 Flights From Israeli Base Reveal Arms Exports to Azerbaijan Haaretz by Avi Scharf and Oded Yaron Haaretz investigation reveals...
The Azerbaijani government’s “Eco-activists” agent who blockaded the only road of life connecting Artsakh to Armenia and the outside world....
France Inter Réfugié en France où il publie des vidéos critiques envers le régime azerbaïdjanais, Mahammad Mirzali a fait l’objet...
All you need to know about the dictatorship of Azerbaijan Tweet it ! Share this information widely, the World needs...
Greek City Times by Anzhela Mnatsakanyan Its common opinion that Nagorno-Karabakh, is an unsolvable conflict as the two principles of...
BBC investigation In September 2022, eight unarmed Armenian servicemen were shot dead by Azerbaijani soldiers during clashes on the Armenian-Azerbaijani...
Human Rights Watch denounced a 'heinous war crime' after reviewing a video showing the execution of Armenian servicemen captured in...
The execution of Armenian prisoners of war (POWs), apparently by Azerbaijani forces during fighting between the countries in September 2022 is a war crime...