Transparency International France Article Diplomatie-du-caviar-affaire-de-grande-corruption-en-Europe-Transparency-International-FranceDownload
Cash investigation Video Elise Lucet
brot-fuer-die-welt.deArticleMaren Leifker There may soon be no independent civil society work left in Azerbaijan. The government has virtually cut off...
In the Caucasus, researchers are using aerospace technology to expose the clandestine obliteration of Armenian cultural heritage. These new methods...
Human Rights Watch denounced a 'heinous war crime' after reviewing a video showing the execution of Armenian servicemen captured in...
The execution of Armenian prisoners of war (POWs), apparently by Azerbaijani forces during fighting between the countries in September 2022 is a war crime...
Orer Armenian European Magazine (Prague)ArticleKristine Hovhannisyan Aliyev-pays-27-million-dollars-a-year-for-lobbying-in-the-USA.-Donald-Wilson-Bush-OrerDownload
My enemy’s enemy is my friend. This ancient proverb partly describes the EU’s fast developing relationship with Muslim Azerbaijan, a...
L'OBS Article Plus de soixante personnalités étrangères, chefs d’Etat, ministres ou hommes d’affaires controversés, ont investi des centaines de millions...
BLACKSPOT Article Journalist : Rasmus Canbäck Think-tank-with-close-ties-to-the-dictatorship-of-Azerbaijan-acted-as-advisers-to-MFA-of-Sweden-–-BlankspotDownload UD-finansierar-forskningsinstitut-som-hyllar-diktator-–-BlankspotDownload