This is a textbook on the history of Azerbaijan for grades 7-8. The textbook was published by the Ministry of...
All you need to know about the dictatorship of Azerbaijan Tweet it ! Share this information widely, the World needs...
After an EU delegation of elected parliamentarians went on a trip to Azerbaijan, their criticism was exchanged for praise for...
Greek City Times by Anzhela Mnatsakanyan Its common opinion that Nagorno-Karabakh, is an unsolvable conflict as the two principles of...
Strongly condemns Azerbaijan’s continued policy of erasing and denying the Armenian cultural heritage in and around Nagorno-Karabakh, in violation of...
GlobalVoices by Arzu Geybullayeva Azerbaijan's first lady Mehriban Aliyeva was awarded the title of the Goodwill Ambassador to UNESCO (United Nations Educational, Scientific and...
Original title : Wie Staaten mit Bestechung Politik machen Source : TagesSchau by Silvia Stöber The scandal in the European...
BBC investigation In September 2022, eight unarmed Armenian servicemen were shot dead by Azerbaijani soldiers during clashes on the Armenian-Azerbaijani...
In Azerbaijan, 215 incidents of attacks/threats against media professionals and citizen journalists, editorial offices of traditional and online publications, and on- line...
PicsArt is a mobile photo and video editing and sharing app with over 500 million users. It offers a wide...